Sunday, December 5, 2010

Final blog reflection

Reflection - Microcomputer Graphics Software Applications

It is hard to believe that the semester is almost over.  As I have looked back over the course of this semester, I have noticed how important design is using many different types of software.  Gaining experience through hands-on projects has allowed me to expand my knowledge and creativity.  The reading assigned during this semester also provided more insight on design.  The assignments were very informative and helpful. 
            Blackboard was a helpful tool in completing this course.  It allowed me the opportunity to complete this online course through the Distance Education Program.  Blackboard offered tools that made viewing assignments, submitting assignments, communicating with others, and checking grades an easy task.  Not only was Blackboard helpful, but through the study of this course, I was able to expand my knowledge of other software tools such as Blogger, Microsoft Paint, PowerPoint, SnagIt, Camtasia, Microsoft Expression, Microsoft Publisher, and Microsoft MovieMaker.  Although I have had some experience with some of these software programs, I can say that I did learn something new with the use of each one.  The use of Blogger was exciting, not only because it was new to me, but the partner I was partnered to communicate with made it very interesting and offered suggestions because of her prior experience.  I really didn’t know much about blogger until this semester but found it to be an interesting tool.  Blogging has been fun.  I have enjoyed learning about blogging.
            Microsoft Paint is one of the software programs that I already had previous knowledge of, but I must say that during this class I took the time to be a little more creative especially in trying to draw a picture of a boy kicking a soccer ball into a goal.  I didn’t know what I was thinking after I started this picture, but in the end it looked pretty good.  PowerPoint is another software tool that I have worked with.  I have used PowerPoint in other school projects and personal task as well.  I enjoy working with photos and putting them into slide shows.  Although I normally use MovieMaker, I was all for creating one using PowerPoint because I have heard that you can be just as creative with PowerPoint as with MovieMaker. 
            SnagIt, Camtasia and Microsoft Expression are three software tools that I have never personally worked with.  I had often wondered how pictures of screens were copied onto another piece of work and after using SnagIt I was aware of this.  One of my other instructors uses Camtasia quite often and until this semester I wasn’t sure how he was creating these videos.  This is a really good way to provide information to students using the computer.  The thought of creating a webpage was a little scary at first.  Microsoft Expression provided every tool you could imagine to create a professional looking webpage.  It was a fun tool to use and allowed me the opportunity to feel like I created a professional looking webpage.  I struggled a little when it came time for loading my webpage to the actual website, with careful advice from Dr. Ellis, I was able to figure it out. 
            Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft MovieMaker are probably two of my favorite software tools that we worked with.  I don’t own Publisher, but I did enjoy the time I was able to use it.  It provides a crafty way to create various items such as cards, certificates, brochures, flyers, and much more.  I am actually considering purchasing Publisher so that I can use it at home for personal and professional use.
As I stated earlier, I enjoy working with pictures and making slideshows using MovieMaker.  There are so many ways to modify the movie with transitions, effects, and text as well.  Some of the projects I have created using MovieMaker are Birthday, family, and church slideshows.  MovieMaker is a great way to incorporate photos and music in a presentation.
            Working with the various tools assigned this semester has allowed me to be more creative and allow me to develop more professional presentations.  I hope that I will be able to utilize these programs in my future classroom. 
            The reading assignments assigned this semester were informative.  I must say that I found the book, The Design of Everyday Things to be more difficult to read than I had expected.  I enjoyed some parts better than others, but overall I enjoyed reading the book Design Workshop. 
This class provided a lot of interesting projects which allowed a more creative side of me to become visible.  I thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and can take away many things from this class.