Monday, September 20, 2010

Module 2 Blog update

Hello everyone,

Still figuring blogging out.  I'm not that comfortable with this, but I'm still learning and that is what this class is all about.  I'm enjoying this class and looking forward to learning new things.  The book The Design of Everyday Things is interesting and I can relate to some of the information discussed in the readings.  We think that since something doesn't work when we are using it, we are automatically at fault or I do.  Reading this book has helped me to realize that not everything is my fault, but could be related to the design of the product.  The phone system topic was also interesting because I have found myself leary of using things just because it was different and I was scared that I might mess something up.  I feel that by taking this class, I will be more open with learning how things work and not feeling that it something doesn't work just right, that is automatically my fault.

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